Sarah Kline, Time for Travel, Ltd.
“There’s no reason to NOT use a travel agent”
You Need A Destination Wedding Travel Agent!
w/ Sarah Kline of Time for Travel

After planning travel for and working with thousands of couples and destination weddings around the world, Sarah Kline of Time for Travel Ltd. is ready to spill the beans. She helped me decode the mystery we know to be called “travel agents” and shares her best advice on destination wedding travel.
I’m very happy to introduce my own personal destination wedding travel agent, Sarah Kline who I originally found in Destination Weddings and Honeymoons Magazine. She’s absolutely amazing and I thought about how awesome it would be to get her on the show to pick her brain and get destination wedding planning advice from the perspective of a well-seasoned destination wedding travel agent -- I can’t wait for her to introduce herself and her company to you so let’s not wait any longer --Let’s get right to it, here’s Sarah Kline of Time for Travel, Ltd.
“If you’re not going all inclusive, stay home!”
How do travel agents make money on destination weddings?
The benefits of hiring a destination wedding travel agent
How to choose your travel agent for your destination wedding
How to choose your wedding destination
Choosing an All-inclusive vs. Non-Inclusive Resort for your destination wedding
How to keep costs down for your destination wedding
The hottest up and coming resorts for destination weddings in 2017
How to get guests to make payment deadlines for your destination wedding and stay on track with travel
Different ways to reserve your room blocks
...and SO MUCH more!
Can’t wait to get you back on the show for MORE destination wedding planning tips!
Sarah Kline is an absolutely amazing travel agent! We used her for both our own destination wedding AND our honeymoon! You can reach Sarah at and follow her on Instagram @time4trvl_destination_weddings
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